The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes.

The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes
by S. Chandrasekhar
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The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes Télécharger Livres Gratuits
New theory suggests some black holes might predate the Big New theory suggests some black holes might predate the Big Bang by Bob Yirka Soft Hair on Black Holes arXiv Soft Hair on Black Holes Stephen W Hawkingy Malcolm J Perryyand Andrew Strominger yDAMTP Centre for Mathematical Sciences University of Cambridge Cambridge CB3 0WA UK Black hole Wikipedia A black hole is a region of spacetime exhibiting gravitational acceleration so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole Fuzzball string theory Wikipedia Fuzzballs are theorized by some superstring theory scientists to be the true quantum description of black holes The theory attempts to resolve two intractable problems that classic black holes pose for modern physics Exploring Black Holes National Science Foundation Primordial black holes Formed from the condensation of raw materials in the early cosmos primordial black holes emerged soon after the Big Bang Time Warps and Black Holes The Past Present Future of A massive object like the Earth will bend spacetime and cause objects to fall toward it A short history of black holes Science News for Students Black holes have been sucking up scientific attention from the very beginning They were hinted at as early as the 1780s Albert Einstein predicted them in his general theory of relativity Gravitational Waves A Long Hunt to Prove Einsteins Scientists this week confirmed the existence of gravitational waves more than a century after Albert Einstein first proposed the theory as part of his theory of general relativity 9 Ideas About Black Holes That Will Blow Your Mind In the 1960s physicist John Wheeler suggested that black holes have no hair meaning that each particular cosmic object could only be distinguished from its brethren by its spin angular Taking the temperature of black holes BBC News Researchers at HeriotWatt University in Edinburgh have developed a new formula to quickly calculate the temperature of a black hole They say it is simple and powerful and offers fundamental
The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes S. Chandrasekhar Télécharger Livres Gratuits
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